General Disclaimer

This website publishes articles and product reviews related to motorcycles for informational purposes only. Information on this website is based on online research and user experience published online, and should not be considered professional advice. The authors of this website are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of information on this website.

1. Product Reviews

Objectivity of Reviews

Reviews on this website represent the authors’ research from various online sources. Reviews have not been independently verified for accuracy.

Product Suitability

Suitability of products for specific uses is not guaranteed based on reviews on this website. Consult product instructions, warnings, and limitations before use.

Product Testing

Products mentioned on this website have not been independently tested by the authors unless otherwise indicated. Product functionality and safety have not been evaluated.

Changes to Products

Products mentioned on this website may change over time without the knowledge of the authors. Product descriptions are based solely on the authors’ research of information available online as they were known at the time of writing.

Warranties and Guarantees

This website does not represent or endorse the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any product warranty claims. Product warranties are made solely by the applicable manufacturer or merchant.

2. Article Content

Authority of Information

Information presented in articles on this website should not be considered authoritative. Readers are advised to independently verify the accuracy of information mentioned in articles before acting on any advice.


Articles on this website may not reflect the most up-to-date information. The authors cannot guarantee that article content is always current.

Access to Installation and Operating Instructions

The authors of this website do not have access to installation and operating instructions for all products mentioned. Readers are responsible for reading and following all product instructions prior to use.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the authors of this website be liable for any damages resulting from the use or misuse of information presented in reviews or articles on this website. The views and opinions expressed in reviews and articles are based on online research (information and user reviews found online) and do not necessarily reflect those of the authors.

Expertise of Authors

The authors of reviews and articles on this website are not licensed professionals. They provide information based on their research of the information found online and should not be considered experts on any subject matter.

3. Emergency and Life-Threatening Situations

Information presented on this website is not intended for use in emergency or life-threatening situations. Readers are advised to call 911 or seek professional assistance for any actual emergencies.